Procedural programming languages are based on the concept of the unit and scope (the data viewing range of an executable code statement). A procedural program is composed of one or more units or modules, either user coded or provided in a code library; each module is composed of one or more procedures, also called a function, routine, subroutine, or method, depending on the language. Examples of procedural languages include:
Ada (multi-purpose language) ALGOL (extremely influential language design. The second high level language compiler.) SMALL Machine Algol Like Language BASIC (BASICs are innocent of most modularity in (especially) versions prior to about 1990) C C++ (C with objects + much else) C# (from Microsoft, a next generation Java/C++ like language) ChucK (C/Java-like syntax, with new syntax elements for time and parallelism) ColdFusion COBOL Component Pascal (an Oberon-2 variant) D Delphi ECMAScript a.k.a. ActionScript, DMDScript, JavaScript, JScript Fortran (better modularity in later Standards) F FPC Pascal (Pascal dialect) Java Modula-2 (fundamentally based on modules) Oberon and Oberon-2 (improved, smaller, faster, safer follow-ons for Modula-2) MATLAB M (more modular in its first release than a language of the time should have been; the standard has become still more modular since then) Occam Pascal (successor to Algol60 and predecessor of Modula-2) Perl PL/C PL/I (large general purpose language, originally for IBM mainframes) Rapira Seed7 VBScript Visual Basic Visual Foxpro